Functional Glass Findings have Glue on Pads. Combine fused glass to adorn the functional purpose and it becomes a unique and beautiful gift! Choose gift findings from something everyone will use everyday:: Bottle Stopper, Money Clips, Pill Boxes, Tie Clips, Key Rings and Letter openers!
These metal findings that are large enough to hold and support the weight of fused glass, have a quality finish to hold up to the handling. Finishes range from polish metal like stainless steel or brushed aluminum. Use of strong Adhesives for Fused Glass and clear like E6000 or an Epoxy. Creating a small fused glass cabochon is easy and choosing from our pre-cut glass shapes makes it even easier!
Jewelry Supplies
A Sanborn Corporation
Stained Glass Supplies
Fusion Glass Supplies
Stained Glass Supplies
A Sanborn Corporation
Jewelry Supplies
A Sanborn Corporation
A Sanborn Corporation
Findings for Fused
A Sanborn Corporation