This is a Go Fusing original using all Oceanside components as a Specialty Glass under our brand Coloritz tm!
Our specialty glass has 5 bright color choices: Green, Blue, Red, Orange and Yellow. These colors used are Opal Frit and Stringer Streamers. The Streamers are placed at random intersections across the glass creating angular forms, creating interest and fun impression. No two sheets will have he same layout.
In the Bible it states a rainbow is a symbol of divine anger and patience. So seeing a rainbow is a symbol of a blessing to than God for promising to never again flood the world.
Today's urban definion is a term used within the gay community to acknowledge acceptance amongst it's members.
Regardless of how you interpet the rainbow, it widely admired by many and seen in use everywhere.
This design is a custom hand made fusible sheet glass so it can add 2 days to your order shipment!
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